GeoEnvironmental Services Company

Environmental, Drilling, Remediation, Geotechnical, Geological,
Hydrogeological and others Geoenvironmental related services



ERTEC, LLC is a full-service environmental company that specializes in investigations relating to the assessment and correction of soil and ground water contamination problems. Founded in 1986 in Puerto Rico, ERTEC, LLC (ERTEC) provides comprehensive professional services to industries, governments, law firms, and consulting groups throughout the Caribbean Islands, and Latin American Countries by developing strategic partnerships with other firms in these geographic locations.  

ERTEC is committed to provide cost effective services without compromising technical quality. To meet this commitment, the company has assembled a small, but highly qualified staff of specialists, and is able to provide the individualized approach required by each client's project.


PostOffice:  PO Box 195336 San Juan, PR 00919-5336

     Physical:  Amur A5 Raparto Landrau Rio Piedras PR 00921


Phone:  (787) 792-8902

       Fax: (787) 783-5555


Ground Water and Unsaturated Zone Investigations
Ground Water Monitoring
Remediation Design, Implementation and O&M
Remedial Investigation (RI) under CERCLA
Feasibility Studies (FS) under CERCLA
Risk Assessments
Site Selection Studies
Work Plan Preparation (RCRA/CERCLA)
Regulatory and Permitting Consulting
Geophysical Surveys to Locate Subsurface Structures
DNAPLs Evaluations
RCRA Facility Assessments and Investigations (RFA and RFI)
SPCC Plans
Expert Testimony
Computer Modeling
CES Plan
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Pan (SWPPP)
Subsurface Utility Survey
Environmental Audits
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Environmental Property Site Assessments (Phase I, II and III) 

Exploration Drilling
Monitoring Wells Installation (2", 4", and 6") PVC, Stainless Steel, and Teflon
Angle Hole Drilling
Recovery Wells Installation
Installation of Soil Vapor Extraction Wells
Auger Drilling (6", 8", 10")
Subsurface Contamination Evaluation and Delineation
Water Well Drilling
Direct Push Technology
Diamond Core Drilling
Dual Tube Reverse Circulation Drilling
ODEX Drilling
Continuous Auger Sampling 

Underground Storage Tank Management
Soil and Ground Water Contamination Site Assessments
Soil Gas Surveys
Soil Vapor Monitoring
Leak Detection Services
Petro-Tite Leak Detection Testing
Tank Removal
Tank Closure Plan
Tank Abandonment Plans
Soil and Ground Water Remediation Services for UST
Remedial Action Plans
Tank Excavations
Risk Assessments (ASTM)
Coordination of Tank Removal
Corrective Action Plans (CAP)
Construction Management and Quality Assurance for new Tan Installation 

Well Siting and Design
NPDES Storm Water Permitting
Ground Water Resource Assessment and Management
Well Head Protection Programs
Water Budget Analysis
Surface Water Hydrology
Design of Storm Water Collection and Disposal Systems
Storm Water Pollution Control Plans
Underground Injection Control Plans and Permit
Storm Water Management
Well Construction and Installation Permits
Ground Water Hydrology
Aquifer Test
Artesian Aquifer Evaluation and Well Design
Well Camera Survey 

RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA)
RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI)
Corrective Action Design and Implementation for RCRA and SWM Units
Landfill Design and Permitting
Facility Closure and Monitoring
Liner Evaluation and Design
Design and Construction Inspection of RCRA Landfills and Corrective Actions
Permitting and Closure of Waste Piles
Ground Water Monitoring and Subsurface Exploration
Contamination Assessments
Regulatory Consulting
Waste Characterization
Coordination and Management for Transportation and Disposal of Waste 

Surveys, Analysis, and Management Planning
Plans and Specifications for Asbestos Abatement Activities
Project Quality Control Monitoring
Project Plans Permitting
Air Sampling and Testing
Abatement Cost Estimates
Asbestos Sample Collection 

Gas Chromatography
pH, Conductivity, and Temperature Measurements
Air Sampling and Analysis using Gas Chromatograph
Portable OVA with PID
Portable OVA with FID
Detector Tube Analysis
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Field Work Air Quality Monitoring 

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Subsurface Pipe Locator (trace master)
Metal Detector
Subsurface Clearance Protocol 

Corrective Action Plans
High Vacuum Extraction (HVE)
Hydrocarbon (Free Product) Recovery Services
Enhance Biodegradation ORC and HRC
Ground Water Remedial Systems Design and Installation
Soil Vapor Extraction Systems Design and Installation
Biotreatment Design and Installation
Air Sparging Systems Design and Installation
Slurry Walls Design and Installation
Iron Walls
Recovery Wells Design and Installation
Recharge Wells Design and Installation
Soil Excavation and Disposal (Incineration, TSD Facility, etc).
Soil Flushing
Recovery Trenches Design and Installation
Operation and Maintenance of Remedial Systems
Monitor Natural Attenuation (MNA) 

Structural Evaluation of UIC Systems
Sampling Protocols
Closure Plans
Closure Implementation
Project Plans Permitting
Emergency Response Team
Emergency Response 24/7 Phone #
Technical Personnel
Drilling Equipment support
Spill collection and containment unit
Abatement Cost Estimates 



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